Wise Wise List 2013 List 2013 is evidence-based recommendations of cost-effective medicines for diseases common in the open and closed, as well as care of medicinal products with great use in specialized care.
wise the list is the result of a comprehensive work.Stockholm county läkemedelskommittés 21 expert advice gives suggestions on recommended drugs within their respective therapeutic areas. Expertrådens proposal is presented to the Stockholm county pharmaceutical committee, which is an unbound undergraduate medical steering group for läkemedelsarbetet in SLL. After careful reviews of the proposals laid down drug-recommendations.In areas where preventive measures and treatment with drugs can be improved laid down wise advice. Then Formulary Committee has as its primary mission to by fortbild-ning spread and get evidence-based recommendations, as well as wise advice of prescribers in primary care, specialized care and hospitals in Stockholm county.
our goal is a wise introduction of new drugs.A unbound valuation of new medicinal products is carried out by the opinion expert advice and the device for new medicinal products in Clinical pharmacology, Karolinska University Hospital. With training, follow-up and evaluation of the medicinal product in the therapy can best be offered medical care population in the county of Stockholm.
IN expertrådens task also includes to participate in the procurement of medicines for the health care sector. Procurement is calculated by 2012 have given SLL a cost savings of SEK 250 million.
antibiotics overused. Prescription of antibiotics in SLL should in the once-must be halved, from today's nearly 420 to 250 Recipes per 1000 inhabitants and year.Together with tight Stockholm Stockholm county pharmaceutical committee focuses on reducing antibiotics that are not medically justified.
Wise List
aware drug therapy for largest patientnytta
patient safety is a very important issue for health care. Drug-related problems affecting many patients.All prescribers have a great responsibility to contribute to patients is not damaged by drug-medelsbehandling.
Go through läkemedeIsbehandlingen in each patientmöte:
• Take into account all the patient's medicines.
• Review indication.
• Take kidney functions, interactions and hypersensitivity.
• Hold patient pharmaceuticals in question in the case record.
• Give the patient a pharmaceuticals in question.
• Document in the record which läkemedelsförändringar made and why.
Read more about Wise list and wise advice at, which offers producentobundna information and kunskapstjänster on medicinal products for the health care sector.
Eva Hans Andersén Karlsson Carl-Gustaf Elinder
President Vice president
Stockholm county Stockholm county
Pharmaceutical Committee pharmaceutical committee
Terapiavsnitten are sorted in alphabetical order. Summary of the recommendations for individual indications are in the register on page 128, substances in the register on page 134. Recommendations which only refers to specialized care indicated in boxes with the heading "specialized care" .
Interchangeable medicines on prescription
to a medicinal product should be replaced in a pharmacy, it is busy in the toughening list of interchangeable medicines; Substitutability applies only medicinal products within the framework of the pharmaceutical benefits scheme; www.TLV.see.
Symbolen used in wise the list for the medicinal products which pharmacies kankomma to replace when they provided for the recipe.
For generic interchangeable preparations is recommended in principle only substance. IN wise the list specified all where preparatnamn according to the above criteria. This means that a component preparations has not been entered depending on that they are not included in pharmaceutical and therefore may not be replaced in a pharmacy.
When the list of preparatnamn begins with "Substansnamn ... " indicates "... " that company name is omitted and that generics are available from one or more different companies.
carers compliance wise this list is followed up on substansnivå. Compliance is not affected by which generic preparations ; or dispatched.
Order of medicinal products to hospital care and other care
The preparations that are recommended in order to pharmacies in "Wise List - Recommended and bought preparations with synonyms". Where specified contracting preparations and recommended preparations which have been selected based on breadth, appropriate packaging and a price quote.
through to prescribe and order purchased health care preparations can save significant amount.
wise the list is available in several versions
wise the list at www.Janusinfo.See also contains justifications to the recommendations and references.
wise recommendations will be shown in the list journalsystemen via strainer (Swedish database for medicinal products). Medicinal products that are recommended for specialized care not highlighted in journalsystemen.
"Wise List - for patients, and the general public" are linguistically adapted to the audience, and includes advice in some areas and recommen-care in addition to the recommendations made by the other versions of wise list. Recommendations which only refers to specialized care not available in this version.
"Wise the list - Recommended and bought preparations with synonyms" is to help prescription and order to drug-medelsförråd in different treatments.
all printed versions can be ordered via e-mail: .
Wise advice
the symbol is used to indicate the Stockholm county pharmaceutical committee Wise advice for improved utilisation of drugs.
comments on wise the list is to be welcomed
Comments and observations on wise The list can be submitted via e-mail to .
Wise advice
Stockholm county pharmaceutical committee and its expert advice drawing up recommendations for how the use of drugs in the county of Stockholm can be improved. The background to the wise advice described on www.Janusinfo.see.
Wise advice 2013
Calculate kidney functions and take into account in the selection and dosage of drugs.
treat blood pressure better - way up målblodtryck together with the patient, combining more and follow up.
Select in the first hand Warfarin which tromboemboliprofylax at atrial fibrillation. Follow guidelines for warfarinbehandling.
do not treat asymptomatic bakteriuri of the elderly. Growing only when symptoms from urinary tract.
Wait with antibiotics in 2-3 days at uncomplicated otitis media in children 1-12 years.
treatment with proton pump inhibitors are inappropriate at tummy upsets with without known cause.
bisphosphonate is often indicated in after osteoporosfraktur. Review the therapy after 3-5 years as the risk for atypical fractures increases with treatment time.
Avoid propiomazin and Tramadol to older.
anaphylaxis and severe allergic reaction
Acute allergic reactions
adrenaline Adrenaline Mylan 1 mg/ml im
adrenaline Anapen injektionspenna
Anapen Junior injektionspenna
adrenaline Jext injektionspenna
it is important that the patient may learn to use adrenalinpennan by a doctor or nurse. Please note that the patient should always have two adrenalinpennor to hand, then the injection may be repeated.
Cetirizin Cetirizin ...
loratadin Loratadin ...
betamethasone Betapred
anaphylaxis, angioödem, urticaria; acute (internal) medicine, treatment programs (SLL), www.Janusinfo.See
allergic rhinoconjunctivitis SID 8
asthma asthma asthma asthma asthma page 10
urticaria page 55
Kan be the subject of generic substitution in recipes 7
... Generics from various companies
For more sustained effort from the nose and sinuses have daily rinses of the nasal cavity with saline proved beneficial effect. Information about utility can be obtained in a pharmacy. Nasal steroid can also be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
nasal steroids are more effective than oral antihistamines against nasal congestion.
cetirizin Cetirizin ...
Loratadin Loratadin ...
NASAL steroids
Lowest possible underhållsdos should be pursued.
IN first hand
budesonide Desonix
IN other hand
mometason Nasomet, Nasonex
in the first place
natriumkromoglikat Lecrolyn, Lomudal
in the other hand - in case of insufficient power
emedastine Emadine
8 Kan be the subject of generic substitution on recipes
... Generics from various companies
betamethasone Betapred
specialized care
adrenaline Adrenaline Mylan 1 mg/ml
diluted for inhalation in nebulizer
The aim of asthma asthma asthma asthma asthma asthma is lack of symptoms from food hypersensitivity and normal lungfunk-
tion. Since astmasjukdomen vary in difficulty over time should
reading should be adapted accordingly. Asthma is treated in the same way under
pregnancy and breastfeeding.
There are several different inhalers. It is appropriate that together with
patient select the type of inhaler that best fits.
Asthma in adults;
asthma/obstructive bronchitis in children and young people;
pharmacological treatment of asthma;
Step 1
persistent asthma symptoms single times per week
in the first hand
Easyhaler salbutamol salbutamol Buventol Airomir spray (with spacer)
in difficulty to manage pulverinhalator
terbutalin Bricanyl Turbuhaler ® dry, Terbasmin Turbuhaler ® dry
in the other hand - if novolizerinhalator is preferable
salbutamol Ventilastin Novolizer
10 Kan be the subject of generic substitution on recipes
persistent non-allergic rhinitis
Nasal steroids
lowest underhållsdos should be pursued.
mometason Nasomet, Nasonex
at hypersecretion
ipratropium Atrovent Nasal
at näspolypos is highly recommended
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